Based on the Poisson bracket and the discriminant of integral of motion, we prove the problem that the moment of momentum is the integral of motion when the mass point is affected by central force. 运用泊松括号,依据运动积分判别式,证明了质点受有心力作用时,其动量矩是运动积分的问题。
Induced by the symplectic structure, we have obtained the Poisson bracket and the Lie algebra for the conservative quantities with respect to the Poisson bracket. 我们由其上的辛结构定义了其上的Poisson括号,并求出了在这个括号意义下,守恒量所构成的李代数。
As an example, the Hamiltonian theory of sine Gordon equation is re examined, which shows the essence of the linear combination method for its very complicated Poisson bracket. 由于实验室系中的SG方程,相应的表述异常复杂,所以以它为例来说明方法的实质。
Generalized Poisson bracket and generalized canonical transformation 广义poisoon括号与广义正则变换
Poisson's bracket in analytical mechanics and quantum mechanics 分析力学和量子力学的泊松括号
This proposition shows that the differentiation-contraction operator η is the generalization of Poisson bracket {,} on 1-form space Λ 1 ( P); 即,1-形式空间∧1(p)上的β微缩算符η是poisson括号{,}的推广;
We point out that the usual quantum enveloping algebra can be realized at classical level in the sense of Poisson bracket. As an example, we give the classical realization of Uq ( SU ( 2)) by a system of classical harmonic oscillators. 通常所谓的量子包络代数可以在经典Poisson括号的意义下实现,以谐振子系统为例,给出Uq(SU(2))的这种经典实现,指出这种q变形伴随着相空间复坐标的Beltrami变形。